Our story


To tell our story, we are going back in time to where it all started. The first idea for a geocaching project around the Liberation and commemoration is created


The first geocaching serie came to life: “70jaarvrijheid - Oorlog & Verzet op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug”. The serie consisted of 10 caches and a bonus. We wanted to show the experiences and life stories of those who have experienced it, locations and events that do justice to history. Another goal was to commemorate all those who risked their lives for everyone in need, stood up against oppression, formed the armed resistance and ultimately liberated us after 5 years of war.

This later became the motto of our team: Commemorating those who experienced the war, displaying the locations where it took place and celebrating freedom through geocaching.

The Utrechtse Heuvelrug region, where this series was located, was liberated by the English/Canadian “Polar Bear” division during their advance from the Grebbe Line/Pantherstellung, after which they continued to Amsterdam. We later also adopted the “Polar Bears” logo as a logo for an event.


The first series now needed to be replaced while the celebration of 75 years of freedom was around the corner. Plans were made everywhere in the country to celebrate this on a grand scale, and we were asked by the May 4 and 5 Doorn/Utrechte Heuvelrug committee to build a geocache with the theme of 75 years of liberation. Since this was right up our alley, we started working on this, not knowing that it would end up with a series of 45 caches. We have gradually named this project “75th Liberation Day 2020, 75 years of freedom”, with caches about the mobilization, war and resistance and the liberation of the Netherlands with special attention to the Utrechtse Heuvelrug and Gelderse Vallei region.


Unfortunately, Covid-19 threw a spanner in the works of our plans. The “75th Liberation Day Event” on May 5 was therefore canceled. Ultimately, we as an organization (TeamThoroCatchers, BvVeen, Bernadette90, *sampo* and StormtropperSven) decided to release the geocache series belonging to this project and to reschedule the event to another date.


When the relaxation of the corona measures was announced, the team started to get an itch, could we still hold our event this year?

In April, we started creating and planning the expansion of the 75 Years of Freedom geocache series with a wonderful group of people from about 10 geocache teams. This was appropriately named The 76th Liberation Day Geocaching Series, 76 years of freedom [76jaarLDGS]. Even more historical locations, beautiful geocaches and true stories. It now became clear that geocaching events could be organized again. With this in mind, we took our plan out of the fridge and sat down again with all parties. So the 75th & 76th Liberation Day Geocaching Event was now back on the planning board.

October 2nd became the day of the 75th & 76th Liberation Day Geocaching Event & the release of the 76th Liberation Day Geocaching Series, 76 years of freedom [76jaarLDGS].

A great happening, a beautiful location (Fort aan de Buursteeg) where the visitor center could be visited, with a guide you could take a tour of the fort, visiting the bunkers and special places, the Pipers & Drums of Deep Respect gave a performance. And most importantly, you, our visitors to the geocaching event! The atmosphere was truly extraordinary!


A year later in May we held a 75th & 76th LDGS Anniversary Event, on the occasion of 77 years of freedom. For the 77th time since the end of the war, we commemorated the people who gave their lives for our freedom and the people who died as a result of war violence in whatever form. This year even more topical than ever! A day later we celebrate our freedom, on May 5, 1945 the war ended and with it 5 years of occupation in the Netherlands. Let us commemorate and celebrate!


For a while it has been floating in the air that there will be a continuation of the existing Liberation Day Geocaching Series. In spring 2023 we came together for this. As result of the brainstorming session another region came forth, with new stories and locations.

The choice fell on the region Driel/Oosterbeek. The new serie and event will be named: “Event Traces of Liberation: Airborne 2025”. Here you will find all our information about the 2025 event. Watch our trailer and join us on a journey through this part of World War II history.